Formentera Levante East Route

Departure from Ibiza Route 2

In less than half an hour away, from Ibiza you can find the dream landscapes that the beautiful island of Formentera offers, with its crystal clear waters and practically virgin beaches.

The first obligatory stop to anchor would be the cala of the North  Espalmador´s lighthouse, south of the Illa des Porcs. A small cala offer a crystal clear waters  for a pleasant swim, for the first stop of the day. Its only one entrance from the Northwest. You have to keep the rocks under control at the entrance itself. This dream place, you can be able to reach only by boat.

Then we continue south-east direction to Levante beach. It is roughly the opposite of Illetas, and offers turquoise waters, like no other.

We will continue sailing south, crossing the coast of Formentera until we reach Es Pujols, a town in Formentera that offer a sandy sea bottom near the cliffs on the south side. Here we can anchor and swim again. Adrenaline lovers have a special place, above a cave, of different heights and easily accessible to take a few jumps.

Our route will continue until we reach Es Caló, its waters, as well as its landscape make this place ideal for a picnic, or if you prefer you can follow our suggestion for a good restaurant.

This is the time to take out the paddle surf and get closer to the rocky cliffs and the cave in the south corner.

Once rested and after a great day, we will return to port passing near a small island called s’Espardell, where it is forbidden to anchor or disembark.

The return to Ibiza is about 45min. approximately.